They’re lethal and illegal, but ‘party drugs’ are a reality. For people with diabetes, ‘party drugs’ have the potential to be even more harmful, so it’s good to be informed about what they are and how they can affect your diabetes management. Watch out that your drink doesn’t get spiked when you are not looking. Rohypnol is a drug you should be aware of, as incidences of drink spiking are becoming increasingly common. Rohypnol is typically slipped into unattended drinks at bars and nightclubs, so keep an eye on your drink at all times. Australian Drug Foundation (ADF) is a valuable resource for young people. If you think you have a problem with drug and alcohol use, talk to others and seek support. If you are using drugs as an escape from your life, then maybe it is time to talk to your doctor. There are helpful tips on drug use for people with type 1 diabetes. Read more in our booklet Drug use and type 1 diabetes. More information National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre website Australian Drug Foundation website