Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health—diabetes e-Learning Online learning modules for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers and practitioners. Access Diabetes e-Learning—Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Diabetes e-Learning—Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health offers a culturally appropriate interactive learning environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers and practitioners and those health professionals working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples living with diabetes. The online learning modules provide: foundational diabetes information culturally appropriate resources to support people living with diabetes and their families interactive activities and stories information on diabetes-related health complications management strategies to support people to live well with diabetes. We are proud to announce the Diabetes e-Learning—Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health program won the 2022 Best eLearning Project, LearnX awards. Module 1: Introduction—Health before time and the impact of colonisation, diabetes prevalence, and the benefits of signing up to the NDSS. Module 2: About diabetes—Type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes; risk factors, symptoms, screening and diagnosis. Module 3: Healthy living—Healthy eating guidelines, practical food choices, physical activity, smoking and alcohol, and driving. Module 4: Glucose monitoring—Types of monitoring, benefits, technique and targets. Module 5: Low and high blood glucose levels—Symptoms of low glucose and high glucose levels, treatment and sick day management. Module 6: Medicines and insulin—Types of glucose lowering medications, taking medications, insulin, insulin storage and medicine discussions. Module 7: Diabetes-related complications—The cause and range of diabetes-related complications, and how to reduce the risks. Module 8: Supporting self-management—The aims and approaches to self-management, emotional wellbeing, and the diabetes team members who can assist. Module 9: Priority groups—Considerations for young people, the woman planning pregnancy, the woman with gestational diabetes, the cognitively impaired or physically impaired person, and the elderly person with diabetes. After completing the Diabetes e-Learning—Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health modules the learner will receive a certificate of completion of up to ten hours continuing professional development (CPD) points with NAATSIHWP. The modules were co-designed with an extensive expert group including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clinicians, Professors of various specialties, Medical Doctors, Research Doctors, University Academics specialising in Diabetes and Leaders in Education. The South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) provided their expert clinical and content review, and guidance on the theoretical and practical principles of adult learning which has significantly contributed to informing these modules.