The majority of older people with diabetes live independently in the community however an increasing number are being supported by Government-funded Home Care Packages. Home Care Packages are one of the ways that older Australians can access care services to get some help at home. They are designed for those with more complex care needs. Featured resources These resources are templates that are fillable and can be used in a client support plan. They are designed to be completed with a diabetes health care team. A copy should be kept in the client’s home. These resources are templates that are fillable and can be used in a client support plan. They are designed to be completed with a diabetes health care team. A copy should be kept in the client’s home. How can a home care team support a person with diabetes This resource has a checklist that can be used to create a plan to support a person with diabetes. Download Diabetes care plan This resource can be used to set up a diabetes care plan. Download Hypoglycaemia information and plan This resource provides information about hypoglycaemia and can be used to set up an individualised hypoglycaemia management plan. Download Sick day care plan – for type 1 or type 2 diabetes (on insulin and/or SGLT inhibitors) Use this resource to setup a sick day care plan for people with type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes (on insulin and/or SGLT inhibitors). Download Sick day care plan – for type 2 diabetes (not taking insulin or SGLT inhibitors) Use this resource to setup a sick day care plan for people with type 2 diabetes (not taking insulin or SGLT inhibitors). Download General diabetes information resources These resources include: information about the types of diabetes the signs and symptoms of diabetes facts that correct some of the common diabetes myths. What is diabetes Complications of diabetes Diabetes myths Six minute intensive training (SMITs) poster resources Designed for use in home care settings, these A3 posters are on a range of relevant diabetes-related topics. . Know your insulin Insulin administration Monitoring blood glucose Glucose-lowering medicines for type 2 diabetes Related resources Resources that can be given to older people with diabetes or their families and carers. You and your health care team Managing diabetes as you age Healthy eating Caring for someone with diabetes Australian Guide to Healthy Eating (external link) Anytime, anywhere support Need information about diabetes? The NDSS website provides access to a range of diabetes health information including videos, podcasts, booklets and fact sheets. Find out more In your language You can access a range of diabetes information in languages other than English. Find out more NDSS forms Forms to manage NDSS registration and access to products through the NDSS. Find out more NDSS Helpline Call the NDSS Helpline on 1800 637 700 for diabetes support and to learn more about the NDSS. Find out more