When older people are diagnosed with diabetes, they can experience a range of emotions and have many questions. Conversely, older people may have lived with diabetes for many years. Approximately one quarter of all people in residential aged care facilities live with diabetes, and their care may be complex due to other health conditions they may have. These pages provide helpful information and resources about key topics on diabetes care and management in older people, with information relevant to you in your specific role. Information for health professionals supporting older people with diabetes Diabetes symptoms and management Ageing can bring changes that impact diabetes symptoms and management. Find out more Blood glucose monitoring Managing low blood glucose levels (hypoglycaemia) and high blood glucose levels (hyperglycaemia) may change as people get older. Find out more Diabetes medications The medications people use to manage their diabetes may need to change as they get older. Find out more Healthy eating A healthy eating plan is essential for older people to manage their diabetes and maintain their quality of life. Find out more Physical activity Regular physical activity is especially important for older people with diabetes, and there are ways you can support them to stay active. Find out more Emotional health Both getting older and living with diabetes can bring mental health challenges, so it is important to prioritise emotional health. Find out more Diabetes-related complications Learn how you can help older people reduce their risk of diabetes-related complications developing and progressing. Find out more Sick day management Illness and infection in older people can affect blood glucose levels and diabetes management, so it is important to act quickly. Find out more Featured Resources Diabetes Management in Aged Care Handbook Diabetes Management in Aged Care Fast Facts The McKellar Guidelines Hyperglycaemia – Six minute intensive training poster Find more resources About the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS) The NDSS is an initiative of the Australian Government, administered by Diabetes Australia since 1987. The NDSS provides information and support services, as well as subsidised diabetes-related products. NDSS registration is free to all Australian residents with a diabetes diagnosis. How to register a person with diabetes with the NDSS