When there is too much sugar (glucose) in your blood it can slowly damage your heart, kidneys, feet, eyes and nerves. You can control your glucose levels by: Eat healthy. Have plenty of bush tucker, shop foods and home-cooked meals that are low in fat, sugar and salt. Have something from each of the main food groups every day. They give you energy, fight sickness and help care for your body to keep it strong. Drink plenty of water. Eat less fat as it makes you put on weight and gives you problems with your heart. Eat meat with no fat or only small bits of fat on it. Cut the fat off the meat and take the skin off chicken. Drain the juices (fat) after cooking meat and scoop out the fat from the top of stews. Avoid cooking with or having fats like butter, oil, margarine or dripping. It is better to boil, steam, stew, grill, microwave or stir-fry food. Maintain a healthy weight (not too fat and not too skinny). Do this by eating less, eating healthy and being more active. Walk, play sport, hunt, garden. It helps your insulin to work properly. Be active for 30 minutes or more every day OR do 10 minutes of physical activity three times a day. Taking your medicine: Take your medicine at the times the doctor told you. Take them with or after eating in the morning, afternoon and supper time every day. Refill your medicine box in the morning (get some more medicine before your supply is close to finishing, so you do not run out). Take your medicine with you when you go to see family, walkabout or are away from home. Put your medicines somewhere cool, dry and safe so they will not go bad. Keep your medicines out of reach of kids. Remember to: Have your check-ups with your doctor, health worker or nurse. Have regular check-ups for your eyes, feet, kidneys, blood pressure, skin and teeth. If you notice anything different about your body talk to your doctor, health worker or nurse. If your doctor says you need to check your glucose levels, check them at the times your doctor, health worker or nurse tells you. See your doctor, health worker or nurse straight away if you feel sick. Check your feet and skin for sores and/or cracks every day.