As the heart pumps blood around the body through the arteries, a force or pressure is created as the blood travels. This is known as blood pressure. Manage high blood pressure As a general guide, the blood pressure target for people with diabetes is 130/80 to 140/90 or lower. Your doctor will advise you on a blood pressure target to meet your health needs considering factors such as existing cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, your age or other risk factors. Medicines for high blood pressure Your doctor may prescribe medications that can help manage your blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease and other diabetes-related complications. When to check your blood pressure Ask your general practitioner (GP) or practice nurse to check your blood pressure at every visit or at least every six months. Discuss your blood pressure targets with your doctor. Home blood pressure monitors Home blood pressure monitors are available through some pharmacies. However, it is best to talk to your doctor first if you are thinking of buying one. Benefits of managing your blood pressure Work with your diabetes health professionals to keep your blood glucose levels, blood pressure and cholesterol as close to your target ranges as possible. Research shows that keeping blood pressure in the target range reduces the risk of diabetes-related complications such as: stroke heart disease kidney disease serious eye problems nerve damage. Read more in our fact sheets. Looking after your heart fact sheet The main cause of heart disease is atherosclerosis. This is more common and develops at a younger age in people with diabetes. Have regular health checks. Download now Looking after your kidneys fact sheet Your kidneys filter your blood to get rid of waste and toxins from your body. They also regulate your blood pressure. Ask your doctor how often you should have a kidney check. Download now Looking after your eyes fact sheet Diabetes can cause both short-term and long-term eye problems. Eye problems cause less damage when detected and treated early. Reduce your risk by managing your diabetes and having regular eye checks. Download now Your diabetes annual cycle of care fact sheet The diabetes annual cycle of care is a checklist for reviewing your diabetes management and general health each year. Download now Reducing your blood pressure There are steps you can take to lower your blood pressure: regular physical activity follow a healthy diet reduce your salt intake lose weight if you are carrying extra weight drink less alcohol do not smoke. If you do, try to quit. Read more in our fact sheets. Physical activity fact sheet Regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do to improve your general health. It can also help manage your diabetes. Available in other languages Download now Healthy food choices fact sheet Healthy eating, along with regular physical activity, can help you look after your diabetes. It can also help you manage other risk factors like high blood pressure, or unhealthy cholesterol. Download now Alcohol fact sheet When you have diabetes, there are some extra things to consider when you drink alcohol. It can have many different effects on your body. Download now Information Prescriptions To help you manage your diabetes and reduce your risk of diabetes-related complications, work with your diabetes health professional to set goals and fill in a personalised Information Prescription. Information Prescriptions help you understand and improve your health targets to manage your diabetes. Read more in our Information Prescription. Diabetes and your blood pressure Information Prescription People with diabetes and high blood pressure are at increased risk of having a heart attack or stroke. By lowering your blood pressure, you can significantly reduce your risk. Download How are you going with your diabetes health checks? It is essential to do an annual cycle of care to find any health problems early. Without regular checks, diabetes can lead to health problems that can affect your whole body, including your kidneys, eyes, feet, nerves and heart. Ask your doctor for the timing of health checks and targets that meet your individual health needs. Read more in our fact sheet or listen to our podcast. Your diabetes annual cycle of care fact sheet The diabetes annual cycle of care is a checklist for reviewing your diabetes management and general health each year. Download now Annual cycle of care podcast series Listen to our Annual cycle of care podcast series to learn more about what it is, why it’s important, and what you need to know about it. Available in other languages Listen now Free access to diabetes programs Learn to manage your diabetes confidently with diabetes programs, available face-to-face and online. Register for a diabetes program. Beat It This 8-week online program will help you on your journey to a healthier and more active life. Find an online program Ready set go, let’s move Available anywhere, anytime. In these short modules, you will build an individualised exercise plan to help you become more active. Go to Ready set go, let’s move Featured resources Looking after your heart fact sheet The main cause of heart disease is atherosclerosis. This is more common and develops at a younger age in people with diabetes. Have regular health checks. Download now Looking after your kidneys fact sheet Your kidneys filter your blood to get rid of waste and toxins from your body. They also regulate your blood pressure. Ask your doctor how often you should have a kidney check. Download now Looking after your eyes fact sheet Diabetes can cause both short-term and long-term eye problems. Eye problems cause less damage when detected and treated early. Reduce your risk by managing your diabetes and having regular eye checks. Download now Your diabetes annual cycle of care fact sheet The diabetes annual cycle of care is a checklist for reviewing your diabetes management and general health each year. Download now Physical activity fact sheet Regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do to improve your general health. It can also help manage your diabetes. Available in other languages Download now Healthy food choices fact sheet Healthy eating, along with regular physical activity, can help you look after your diabetes. It can also help you manage other risk factors like high blood pressure, or unhealthy cholesterol. Download now Alcohol fact sheet When you have diabetes, there are some extra things to consider when you drink alcohol. It can have many different effects on your body. Download now