The My NDSS portal is a simple and secure way to access your NDSS information and services online and in one place. Benefits include: easily view your product purchase history and eligibility get a digital copy of your NDSS registration card quickly book into our free support programs and events contact us for help without having to pick up the phone instantly update your personal details and communications preferences. To create an account, you need to be a NDSS Registrant with an email and mobile number. Please have your NDSS registration and Medicare numbers handy as you will need these to successfully create an account. It will only take a few short minutes and if have any questions, please call the NDSS Helpline on 1800 637 700 to complete your registration. Create My NDSS account Account creation video You can watch the short video below that will take you through the steps to create your account and how to sign in to My NDSS. FAQs 1. Who can access the My NDSS portal? People living with diabetes who are registered with the NDSS can access the My NDSS portal. 2. How can I access and use the My NDSS portal? You can access the My NDSS portal from the NDSS website here. To begin using the My NDSS portal: from the welcome page, you can choose the option to ‘Create My NDSS account’; select ‘Create My NDSS account’; follow the steps to create an account; and once you have successfully created an account, you will be able to sign into the portal at any time. Simply enter your NDSS number, and password and follow the multi-factor authentication steps to gain access to the portal. If you need assistance creating your ‘My NDSS account’, please contact the NDSS Helpline on 1800 637 700. 3. Is my information secure? Yes, the My NDSS portal will use a two-step identification method referred to as Multi Factor Authentication (MFA). This method safeguards your private and confidential information to prevent cybercriminals from stealing, destroying or accessing your personal data and information. As part of the ‘create an account’ and sign in processes, your mobile device would be used to text you a pin number to verify your identity. 4. Can I reset my My NDSS portal password if I forget it? Yes, if you forget your password you will be able to make a request from the login page to reset your password. 5. I reset my password but didn’t receive a reset email, what do I do? Please check all e-mail folders. Your password reset link is sent to the e-mail address we have on file. Please call the NDSS Helpline on 1800 637 700 to check your details are up to date. 6. What type of information will I have access to in my account through the My NDSS portal? As a My NDSS portal user, you will be able to: view and update your contact details view your NDSS registration number, with availability to a digital image of your NDSS registration card for use at an Access Point request a replacement NDSS card view your NDSS product access and purchase history register for, manage and view NDSS programs and events view your Medicare and concession card information view your carer information if relevant update what type/form of communication from the NDSS you would like to receive, as well as select areas that you would be interested in and submit a ‘contact us’ form to communicate with the NDSS staff. 7. Can I view my NDSS product access and purchase history through the My NDSS portal? As a My NDSS portal user you will be able to view what NDSS products you are eligible to access, as well as which products you have recently purchased. You will be able to view your product purchase history, including items you have purchased and how many were bought. 8. Can I update my NDSS contact details through the My NDSS portal? Yes, you can update most of your NDSS contact details through the My NDSS portal, such as your: phone numbers email address residential and postal addresses and how you would like to receive communication from the NDSS. 9. What information can I not update through the My NDSS portal? For security reasons, you will not be able to update your name, date of birth, Medicare and/or concession card details. However, you can contact the NDSS to request a change to this information on your NDSS registration. 10. Do I need to log out of the My NDSS portal? It is recommended you ‘sign out’ of the My NDSS portal, however you will be automatically logged out when you close the browser. 11. Who do I contact if I need support with the My NDSS portal? If you need support with the My NDSS portal, please contact the NDSS Helpline on 1800 637 700. 12. What web browsers can I use to access the My NDSS portal? The My NDSS portal can be accessed on the latest versions of the following desktop browser: Microsoft Edge Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome Apple Safari on Mac. The supported mobile browsers are the latest versions of: Apple Safari for iOS Google Chrome for Android. 13. How can I use the digital image of my NDSS registration card provided on the My NDSS portal? Your My NDSS account will display an image of your NDSS registration that can be used to purchase products at any Access Point 14. Is there an option to download my NDSS card? Yes. Those who are signed up and logged in can download a shortcut application to store a digital image of their NDSS registration card on their mobile phone. This option is not offered to desktop or tablet Users and is only compatible with Google Chrome for Android or Apple iOS mobile phone operating software. Follow these steps: 1. Using a compatible mobile phone browser, log into My NDSS using your existing credentials. 2. Select ‘Manage my NDSS card’. 3. Select ‘Download my card’. For desktop and tablet users this option will not display. 4. Follow the prompts to install the app. iPhone user Android user 5. Add the ‘NDSS app’ to your home screen (select ‘add to Home screen’). iPhone user Android user Android user – further step 6. An example of the card is provided below, no internet connection is required. 7. The app provides a link to launch access to My NDSS, however login will be required.