Adjusting to life with diabetes fact sheet A diagnosis of diabetes can come as a shock. First reactions may be disbelief, sadness, anger or self-blame. Usually, these feelings ease after a while and diabetes becomes part of life. Download now Caring for someone with diabetes (for family and friends) fact sheet Caring for a family member or friend who has diabetes can be rewarding but also challenging. You may feel worried, frustrated or confused about how to best support the person in managing their diabetes. Download now Concerns about starting insulin (for people with type 2 diabetes) fact sheet Many people with type 2 diabetes have concerns or feel anxious about starting insulin. There are many things you can do to adjust to this new way of managing your diabetes. Download now Diabetes and anxiety fact sheet Anxiety is often a healthy response to a perceived threat. For most people, anxious feelings go away after the threat has passed. There are many things you can do to reduce your anxiety. Download now Diabetes and depression fact sheet Everyone feels down or sad from time to time. For most people, these feelings do not last long. There are many things you can do to overcome your feelings of depression. Download now Diabetes and disordered eating fact sheet Living with diabetes places a lot of focus on food, weight and body image. Sometimes, this can lead to an unhealthy relationship with food, disordered eating or, possibly an eating disorder. Download now Diabetes distress fact sheet Diabetes distress is the emotional burden of living with and managing diabetes. Diabetes distress becomes a serious problem when these emotions start to affect daily life, including diabetes management. Download now Fear of hypoglycaemia fact sheet People with diabetes often worry or become fearful about hypos. There are many things you can do to reduce the risk of hypos and ease your fears. Download now Meet peers at NDSS programs NDSS programs are a great way to connect with others living with diabetes. These programs help you learn to live well with diabetes. Register for a diabetes program There are lots of ways to access peer support Find a face-to-face or online peer support groups. Perhaps you would like to read shared stories from people with similar experiences. Find peer support groups When and how a psychologist can support me quick guide This quick guide answers common questions about psychologist support. Available in other languages Download When and how psychologists can support people with diabetes fact sheet Most people with diabetes manage well most of the time. But it is okay to acknowledge if you are struggling. Many people benefit from specialist emotional support from a psychologist. Download now