This pre-recorded webinar gives helpful tips on how to look after type 2 diabetes during times of illness or stress. Presented by Carolien Koreneff, credentialled diabetes educator. Select the play button to start watching this webinar now. After watching this 30-minute webinar, you will: Understand how stress and illness affect hormones and blood glucose levels. Know what a sick day action plan is and when to follow it. Be able to describe the signs of high blood glucose levels and when to get medical help. Know what the recommended blood glucose targets are. Get tips on how to help reduce the risk of dehydration when you are not well. Have answers to often-asked questions about looking after diabetes when sick. Do you have feedback? Fill in our evaluation form. Featured resources Living well with type 2 diabetes – what to do when you are sick fact sheet Like everyone, people living with type 2 diabetes get sick with everyday illnesses such as influenza (flu), a cold, gastro, or other common infections. It is important to be prepared and to know what to do. Download now Find a sick day action plan To find a sick day action plan that is right for you, go to the Australian Diabetes Education Association website. Find out more