An information booklet for people with type 2 diabetes who want to find out more about insulin and what it might mean for them. This booklet is available in two formats. You can download and print out the PDF or you can read it as a website page below. Starting insulin (for people with type 2 diabetes) This booklet is for people with type 2 diabetes who are interested in learning more about insulin as a way of managing their diabetes, if their doctor has recommended starting insulin. Download About this booklet This booklet is for people with type 2 diabetes who are interested in learning more about insulin as a way of managing their diabetes. Your doctor may have recommended that you start insulin now, or that you may need insulin in the future. This booklet provides information about insulin and answers common questions that people with type 2 diabetes have about starting insulin. It can be helpful to reflect on your own situation and think about your own questions. There is space in this booklet to write down any thoughts or questions you might have about insulin or your diabetes. You can keep these notes just for yourself, or, if you choose, discuss them with your health care team. This booklet does not replace medical advice from your health care team. It is important that you make an appointment to discuss your diabetes management with your health care team. “I’ve accepted the need for insulin. I realise the benefits and I can see the benefits so that’s made me happier with the outcome.”Peter, 66 years old Using this booklet If you have accessed this booklet online, you may find it helpful to print out the PDF version. A printed copy may make it easier to write down your thoughts and questions throughout the booklet and bring them with you to your next appointment with your doctor or diabetes health care team. Activity 1: What are your questions, thoughts, and feelings about insulin injections? Before reading this booklet, take some time to think about any questions, thoughts or feelings you have about insulin. Take the time to return to your questions and concerns after you finish reading the booklet. Did the booklet answer your questions? How do you feel about insulin now? Do you have new questions? You can discuss these with your diabetes health care team or call the NDSS Helpline (1800 637 700). Next: Understanding my diabetes and the role of insulin ⇒