Alcohol and type 1 diabetes (youth booklet) Information booklet about alcohol for young people with type 1 diabetes. Download Alcohol fact sheet When you have diabetes, there are some extra things to consider when you drink alcohol. It can have many different effects on your body. Download now Carbohydrate counting fact sheet All the carbohydrates, you eat and drink change into glucose within about two hours, which affects your body’s blood glucose level. Understand the effect that carbs have to help you manage your diabetes. Download now Carbohydrate counting quick guide This quick guide is about carbohydrate counting. Carbohydrate counting, or carb counting, is a tool to better manage your diabetes. Available in other languages Download Eating out fact sheet Eating out and having a take-away meals are enjoyable parts of life. If eating out is a regular part of your life, it is important to try and choose healthy options. Download Find a dietitian near you Call Dietitians Australia on 1800 812 942 or you can find an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) on their website. Go to Dietitians Australia Healthy cooking ideas fact sheet You can make healthy and nutritious meals suitable for everyone by choosing ingredients and recipes that are high in fibre and low in saturated fat, added sugar and salt (sodium). Download now Healthy cooking videos Watch these videos to find out about building a healthier meal, cooking methods, fats and oils, flavour and carbohydrate, glycaemic index and fibre. Available in other languages Watch now Healthy eating as you age Healthy eating and food choices for older people living with diabetes. Download Healthy food choices fact sheet Healthy eating, along with regular physical activity, can help you look after your diabetes. It can also help you manage other risk factors like high blood pressure, or unhealthy cholesterol. Download now Healthy meal ideas fact sheet Nutritious meals are important for good health. The right balance of healthy foods can help you manage your diabetes and weight effectively. Download now Healthy snacks fact sheet Snacks can be a part of our daily eating plans. It is important to make healthy choices and to consider the portion size when you snack. Available in other languages Download now Hints for healthier cooking quick guide This quick guide has three steps to help you cook healthier meals that you and your family can enjoy. Available in other languages Download The glycaemic index fact sheet The glycaemic index (GI) is one tool that can help you choose which carb foods to eat. The GI ranks how quickly or slowly carb foods affect blood glucose levels. Download now The glycaemic index quick guide This is a quick guide to the glycaemic index (GI). GI is a tool to help you choose which carbohydrate foods to eat. GI ranks how quickly or slowly carb foods affect blood glucose levels. Available in other languages Download Understanding food labels fact sheet Understanding food labels can help you to make healthy food choices, which is an important part of managing your diabetes, weight, and overall health. Download now