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Management and care resources

Annual cycle of care podcast series

Listen to our Annual cycle of care podcast series to learn more about what it is, why it’s important, and what you need to know about it.

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Blood glucose monitoring fact sheet

Checking your blood glucose levels can help you manage your diabetes. You will be able to see what makes your numbers go ‘up’ or ‘down’.

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Blood glucose monitoring for type 2 diabetes webinar

This pre-recorded webinar is for people with type 2 diabetes who want to increase their knowledge and confidence in looking after their blood glucose levels.

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Caring for someone with diabetes (for family and friends) fact sheet

Caring for a family member or friend who has diabetes can be rewarding but also challenging. You may feel worried, frustrated or confused about how to best support the person in managing their diabetes.

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Caring for your diabetes in hospital

It is important that your diabetes is well managed in hospital, regardless for the reason for your admission. Always let your nurses and treating doctors know that you have diabetes.

Coeliac disease and diabetes fact sheet

Coeliac disease is a condition where an intolerance to gluten causes inflammation and damage to the small bowel.

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Contraception choices for women with diabetes

Read more about different types of contraception, which ones are most effective, the benefits and side effects, and how suitable they are when you have diabetes.

Dental health podcast

Listen to our Annual cycle of care podcast series to learn more about dental health and seeing your dentist.

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Diabetes and driving

This booklet provides guidance on driving if you have diabetes and the steps you can take to prevent low blood glucose while driving to ensure road safety.

Diabetes and driving quick guide

This quick guide answers common questions about diabetes and driving and provides information on where to get support.

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Diabetes and driving quick guide video

This video answers common questions about diabetes and driving and provides information on where to get support.

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Diabetes and natural disasters

Manage your diabetes in a natural disaster poster.

Diabetes yarning: all about diabetes

This booklet about diabetes has been written specifically for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Information is presented from a cultural perspective.

Diabetes-related complications fact sheet

Looking after your diabetes is important for your long-term health. If your diabetes is well managed and you take care of your general health, you can reduce the risk of diabetes-related complications.

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Drug use and type 1 diabetes (youth booklet)

Information booklet on recreational drugs that may be used by young people with type 1 diabetes. If you have diabetes and take drugs you face extra health risks.

Extra support to manage your diabetes podcast

Listen to our Annual cycle of care podcast series to learn more about extra support to manage your diabetes.

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Find a diabetes educator near you

Go to Australian Diabetes Educators Association to find a Credentialled Diabetes Educator (CDE) on their website.

Go to Australian Diabetes Educators Association
Find a health service or health professional near you

Go to healthdirect to find a diabetes health service or diabetes health professional on their website.

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Find a pharmacy near you

Go to healthdirect to find a community pharmacy on their website.

Go to Healthdirect
Find a podiatrist near you

Go to the Australian Podiatry Association to find a podiatrist (with specialised knowledge of diabetes) on their website.

Go to Australian Podiatry Association
Find a sick day action plan

To find a sick day action plan that is right for you, go to the Australian Diabetes Education Association website.

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Find diabetes information in multiple languages

Access a range of diabetes-related information in 26 languages.

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This online program will give you the skills and knowledge to create a simple foot care routine that will help you avoid future foot problems.

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Gestational diabetes: caring for yourself and your baby

This booklet provides comprehensive information about gestational diabetes, its management and where to get assistance when required.

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Get your eyes checked

Register for the eye check reminder program for people with diabetes.

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Having a healthy baby guide for women with type 1 diabetes

This booklet is for women with type 1 diabetes, who are planning a pregnancy now or in the future.

Having a healthy baby guide for women with type 2 diabetes

This booklet is for women with type 2 diabetes who are planning a pregnancy now or in the future.

HbA1c podcast

Listen to our Annual cycle of care podcast series to learn more about HbA1c, a blood test used to monitor your average blood glucose levels over the past three months or so.

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Hot weather and diabetes. Stay cool to stay well poster

This poster lists tips on staying healthy when it is hot.

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How health checks are done

Watch our video on health checks.

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How healthy are your feet?

Learn the early signs of foot problems and how to look after your feet. Do our foot health quiz to find out if you have very-low, low, moderate, or high-risk feet.

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How to check your blood glucose level with a blood glucose meter video

Watch our video on checking your blood glucose level with a blood glucose meter.

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Hypoglycaemia management for type 1 diabetes webinar

This pre-recorded webinar is for people with type 1 diabetes who want to increase their confidence in managing hypoglycaemia (also known as hypo or low blood glucose level).

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Hypoglycaemia management for type 2 diabetes webinar

This on-demand webinar is for people with type 2 diabetes who want to increase their knowledge and confidence in managing hypoglycaemia (also known as hypo or low blood glucose level).

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Information for people with type 1 diabetes

This booklet explains the services and products available to you through the NDSS and provides general information about type 1 diabetes. It is a great starting point to help you with managing your diabetes

Information for people with type 2 diabetes

This booklet explains the services and products available to you through the NDSS and provides general information about type 2 diabetes. It is a great starting point to help you with managing your diabetes

Insulin fact sheet

Insulin is a hormone that allows glucose to move from the bloodstream into the body’s cells. Different people need different types of insulin. Your treatment needs to be tailored to your needs.

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Kidney health podcast

Listen to our Annual cycle of care podcast series to learn more about kidney checks.

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Life after gestational diabetes

This booklet is designed to assist women who have had gestational diabetes, and their families to understand how to take steps to reduce their risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

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Living well with type 1 diabetes – what to do when you are sick fact sheet

Like everyone, people living with type 1 diabetes get sick with everyday illnesses such as influenza (flu), a cold, gastro, or other common infections. It is important to be prepared and to know what to do.

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Living well with type 2 diabetes – what to do when you are sick fact sheet

Like everyone, people living with type 2 diabetes get sick with everyday illnesses such as influenza (flu), a cold, gastro, or other common infections. It is important to be prepared and to know what to do.

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Looking after your diabetes podcast

Listen to our Annual cycle of care podcast series to learn more about what to do during the year between all those checks and visits.

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Looking after your feet fact sheet

Ask your diabetes health professional if you have very-low, low, moderate, or high-risk feet. Discuss foot checks and how to best look after your feet with them.

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Managing diabetes as you age

This booklet gives you information to help you manage your diabetes as you grow older. Ask for support if managing your diabetes by yourself is becoming difficult.

Managing hypoglycaemia fact sheet

Hypos can occur in people who use insulin and some other types of glucose-lowering medications. Learn about how to recognise the signs and manage hypoglycaemia.

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Medications for type 2 diabetes fact sheet

When you are first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you may not need to take medication. Over time, you may need glucose-lowering medication to help keep blood glucose levels in the target range.

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Moving on up (youth booklet)

This booklet is a guide for young people with type 1 diabetes (their parents or guardians) transitioning from child to adult health care services. It also focuses on the challenges and opportunities faced.

My child is starting school

Support for families, schools and health professionals so that kids with type 1 diabetes can stay safe and healthy at school.

Go to Diabetes in Schools
My diabetes plan for natural disasters and emergencies

This plan lists important things to put in a diabetes emergency kit. You can also use this plan to record your personal details, important contact information and list of current medications.

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My Diabetes Record Card

This checklist helps you and your diabetes team manage your diabetes. It records changes in your diabetes care and tracks the outcomes of your treatment plan.

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National Diabetes Nursing Education Framework – information for people living with diabetes

This information sheet is for people living with diabetes. It describes the education framework that has been created to increase nurses’ knowledge and skills in relation to diabetes.

Planning for pregnancy after gestational diabetes checklist

If you have had gestational diabetes and you want to start trying for another pregnancy, it is a good idea to plan ahead and look after your health before you become pregnant.

Safe sharps disposal video

Watch our video to understand how to properly disposal of your sharps (used lancets (finger-pricking needles), insulin pen needles and syringes) to reduce the risk of harm to others and the environment.

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Starting insulin

If you have type 2 diabetes and haven’t started using insulin—or have just started using insulin—you may want to find out more about insulin and what it might mean for you.

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Starting insulin (for people with type 2 diabetes)

This booklet is for people with type 2 diabetes who are interested in learning more about insulin as a way of managing their diabetes, if their doctor has recommended starting insulin.

Steroid medications and diabetes fact sheet

Some people with diabetes may need to take steroid medications to help manage other conditions. Steroid medications can increase blood glucose levels.

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Surgery and hospital stays fact sheet

Planning and managing your diabetes before, during and after a procedure or surgery can reduce the risk and prevent complications such as infections and delayed wound healing.

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The needs of people with diabetes and other chronic conditions in natural disasters and emergencies

A guide for emergency services, local councils and the not-for-profit sector on diabetes and chronic condition management in natural disasters or emergencies.

Travel and type 1 diabetes (youth booklet)

Information booklet about travel for young people with type 1 diabetes.

Travel fact sheet

Careful planning before travelling is very important when you have diabetes. You will need to consider your diabetes management and general health, available food choices what to pack and travel insurance.

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Travelling here or there video

Watch our video about travel.

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Understanding gestational diabetes fact sheet

Gestational diabetes is a form of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy. For most women, diabetes goes away after the baby is born.

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Understanding gestational diabetes videos

These videos are about gestational diabetes, how it is managed and where to get the information and support you need.

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Understanding pre-diabetes fact sheet

Pre-diabetes is a condition in which blood glucose levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be diagnosed as type 2 diabetes.

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Understanding type 2 diabetes fact sheet

Type 2 diabetes can be managed with healthy eating and regular physical activity. Over time, glucose-lowering medications may also be needed to help keep blood glucose levels in the target range.

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What support do health professionals provide video

Watch our video about health professional support.

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When and how a psychologist can support me quick guide

This quick guide answers common questions about psychologist support.

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When and how psychologists can support people with diabetes fact sheet

Most people with diabetes manage well most of the time. But it is okay to acknowledge if you are struggling. Many people benefit from specialist emotional support from a psychologist.

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Who can I call to ask questions?

Call the NDSS Helpline on 1800 637 700 for diabetes support.

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You and your health care team as you age

As you age you may have more health issues to deal with. It is not always easy to find your way around the health system. You need to work out who can help you with health issues and maintain your wellbeing

Your diabetes annual cycle of care fact sheet

The diabetes annual cycle of care is a checklist for reviewing your diabetes management and general health each year.

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Diabetes Australia acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Owners and Custodians of this Country. We recognise their connection to land, waters, winds and culture. We pay the upmost respect to them, their cultures and to their Elders, past and present. We are committed to improving health outcomes for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people affected by diabetes and those at risk.

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