Where to find services in your state You can access NDSS information, diabetes face-to-face and online programs and support services through your local diabetes organisation (NDSS Agents). They are in all the capital cities and in some regional areas too. You can also book diabetes programs through My NDSS—an easy and secure way to access your NDSS information all in one place online. General sites myD Facebook group – Facebook group for 16-25 year olds with diabetes, as a safe space to share, chat or ask questions. Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Child and Youth Health—Women’s and Children’s Health Network ReachOut—an online mental health organisation for young people and their parents. WoundsAustralia SANE Australia Livewire—a free, safe and fun online community designed especially for young people living with a serious illness, chronic health condition or disability. It’s a cool place to hang out, meet new friends, share experiences, creatively express yourself and know that you are not alone. By topic—listed A to Z Alcohol and drugs YourRoom, NSW Health – A place to get facts about alcohol and other drugs. Driving Driving and diabetes Driving and Jobs—as1diabetes Drugs Drug use and type 1 diabetes booklet UNSW Sydney’s National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC) Alcohol, Sex and Drugs—as1diabetes Sport and exercise Go to Diabetes in Schools to find out more about sports and physical activity for students with type 1 diabetes. Go to as1diabetes to find out more about young people and sport. Find an accredited practising dietitian, to discuss food and sport. Food and eating TeensHealth Glycemic Index—University of Sydney as1diabetes Eating out: get your order right—Diabetes Australia Dietitians Australia Friends and parents as1diabetes General health Body image body image—ReachOut Health schedule For teens—as1diabetes Mental health Beyond Blue headspace ReachOut—an online mental health organisation for young people and their parents. SANE Australia Transition to adult health care Transition to adult diabetes care—as1diabetes Trapeze Parents and carers The Sydney Children’s Hospital network fact sheets Pregnancy Pregnancy and diabetes Australasian Diabetes in Pregnancy Society Child and Youth Health Pregnancy Counselling Link School School Teachers and schools—as1diabetes Diabetes in Schools Sexual health contraception pregnancy and diabetes sexual health Sexual health and contraceptive choices for young women with type 1 (booklet)—Diabetes Victoria MyDR Travel travel and diabetes Travelling with type 1 diabetes: navigating common challenges—Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Smartraveller—Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Countries, economies and regions—Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Travelling overseas with PBS medicine—Services Australia Work Having a Job—as1diabetes In the workplace—Diabetes Australia