DESMOND stands for Diabetes Education and Self-Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed. MyDESMOND is an adapted online version of the face-to-face DESMOND self-management workshop for people living with type 2 diabetes. DESMOND recognises that there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to diabetes management and will provide you with support to self-manage your diabetes. Developed by the Leicester Diabetes Centre in the United Kingdom, MyDESMOND brings together all the content and research evidence from the award-winning face-to-face DESMOND diabetes education program into a portable interactive web-based platform. The face-to-face workshops have demonstrated benefits for participants in both Australia and the United Kingdom. Results have shown that DESMOND can help you to: lower your HbA1c develop a better understanding of diabetes improve your physical activity levels take steps to lose weight take steps to quit smoking reduce your risk of depression improve your overall health. Built to provide on-going support to those that have attended a DESMOND workshop, or to support people for which face-to-face group education isn’t a viable option, the MyDESMOND program provides up-to-date information, online support and a self-management plan, which you will create yourself. You will be able to consider strategies to adopt or changes you may be ready to make. The program includes short videos, articles and interactive activities on diet and exercise that you can view at your own pace. In Australia, MyDESMOND is funded by the National Diabetes Services Scheme. For further information, email [email protected] or call the NDSS Helpline on 1800 637 700.