Tfí Èhjeähd f;dr;=re fj; idofrhka ms<s.ksuq’
fuu f;dr;=re nd.; lsÍug fyda uqøKh lsÍug yelsh’
1800 637 700 Tiafia cd;sl Èhjeähd fiajd fhdackdl%ufha Wmldr fiajdj (NDSS Helpline) wu;d msgm;la tjk f,i Tng b,a,d isáh yelsh’ Tfí Èhjeähdj iïnkaOfhka Tng fi!LH fiajd jD;a;slhl=g l;d lsÍug o yelsh’
Tnj cd;sl Èhjeähd fiajd fhdackdl%ufha (NDSS) ,shdmÈxÑ lrk f,i Tfí ffjoHjrhdf.ka fyda Èhjeähd wOHdmlhdf.ka b,a,d isákak’ fuu.ska Tfí Èhjeähdj l<ukdlrKh lsÍug Wmldr ,nd .; yelsh’
cd;sl Èhjeähd fiajd fhdackdl%ufha Wmldr fiajdj (NDSS Helpline) iu. l;d lsÍu i`oyd Tng NdIK mßj¾;lhl= wjYHo@
131 450 Tiafia Tng mßj¾;k yd NdIK mßj¾;k fiajdj (TIS) weu;sh yelsh’ Tfí NdIdj mjid isákak’ NdIK mßj¾;lhl= iïnkaOjk f;la isg 1800 637 700 g l;d lsÍug wjYH nj okajkak’
Welcome to your diabetes information.
Information is available to download or to print.
You can call the NDSS Helpline on 1800 637 700 to ask for a copy to be sent to you. You can also call to speak to a health professional about your diabetes.
Ask your doctor or diabetes educator to register you on the NDSS. This can help you manage your diabetes.
You can call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. State your language. Wait to be connected to an interpreter, then ask for 1800 637 700.
Diabetes Australia acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Owners and Custodians of this Country. We recognise their connection to land, waters, winds and culture. We pay the upmost respect to them, their cultures and to their Elders, past and present. We are committed to improving health outcomes for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people affected by diabetes and those at risk.