We recently sent you an annual reminder to visit your general practitioner (GP) for a type 2 diabetes check. To find out more about why we send this reminder, you can download and print out our flyer or read it on the website page below. Why have I received this letter or email? When you registered on the NDSS with gestational diabetes you were automatically included on the National Gestational Diabetes Register. As part of this Register, both you and your general practitioner (GP) will be sent reminders for you to have regular type 2 diabetes checks. Why do I need a diabetes check? For most women with gestational diabetes, the diabetes disappears after pregnancy. However, about 1 in 2 women will develop pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes within 10–20 years. It’s recommended that you have regular checks for type 2 diabetes every 1 to 3 years. Regular checks are recommended even if your last result was in the normal range. What do I need to do? If you haven’t had a recent check for type 2 diabetes, now is a good time to visit your GP. Your GP will advise you on the type of test and how often you need to have this done. This will depend on your risk factors for type 2 diabetes, the results of previous tests and whether you are wanting to have another pregnancy. For the majority of women, ongoing type 2 diabetes checks are usually a simple blood test. If you are planning another pregnancy see your GP to discuss pre-pregnancy planning and care. This should include a check for type 2 diabetes (usually an oral glucose tolerance test) before trying to become pregnant. What information will I get next? Both you and your GP (listed in our records) will be sent reminders each year for you to have a diabetes check. These reminders will be sent for five years. What if my details change or I don’t want to be part of the Register? If your details or your GP’s details change, or if you no longer wish to receive communications from the Register, you can make these changes by visiting our website or by calling the NDSS Helpline on 1800 637 700. If you decide to opt-out, you will lose the benefits of being on the Register, and you and your GP will no longer receive reminders about diabetes checks or information to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. How can I find out more? For more information about the National Gestational Diabetes Register or managing your health into the future, you can phone the NDSS Helpline on 1800 637 700. The NDSS Life after gestational diabetes booklet provides more information about reducing your risk of type 2 diabetes. To read this booklet go to: ndss.com.au/life-after-gestational-diabetes. If receiving information about pregnancy or gestational diabetes raises personal concerns for you or causes you any distress, you can opt-out from receiving further communications as outlined above. If you need support, ask your GP or local hospital maternity service about services available in your area.