Published: 3 April, 2020 To make it easier for people with type 2 diabetes during COVID-19, the Australian Government is suspending the requirement for a Blood Glucose Monitoring Strip Six Month Access form to be completed by your doctor or credentialled diabetes educator (CDE). Since 3 April 2020, an automatic extension will be provided for all people with type 2 diabetes not using insulin. This is a temporary arrangement during COVID-19. This means people with type 2 diabetes who do not use insulin will not need to have a form completed by a health professional to receive subsidised access to blood glucose monitoring strips. People will need to simply visit their local pharmacy (NDSS Access Point) the next time they need to access blood glucose monitoring strips. Note: people may be able to avoid a visit and should ask their pharmacy if they can deliver the blood glucose monitoring strips along with their medicines to their home. People with diabetes are still encouraged to contact their doctor or CDE to discuss blood glucose monitoring and any changes to their diabetes management they may need during COVID-19. For more information, visit our COVID-19 and diabetes information page.