During the first 12–14 weeks of pregnancy, some women feel sick first thing in the morning, some in the evenings and others in the afternoon. Other women feel sick all day long and may vomit frequently. Occasionally this may continue well into the pregnancy. If you have ongoing morning sickness, ask your health professionals about suitable nausea medication. Frequent vomiting due to morning sickness can make it difficult to manage type 1 diabetes and may increase the risk of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). Tips for managing morning sickness Keep your fluids up—sip on drinks such as water, flat diet (sugar-free) lemonade, diluted diet cordial or diet icy poles. If you have been vomiting or unable to eat, or your blood glucose level is low, you may need to include ordinary soft drinks and cordial instead of diet drinks (refer to your sick-day management plan). Eat small, frequent meals—talk to your doctor or credentialled diabetes educator about changing insulin doses to allow for this. Avoid strong food odours and rich, fatty foods. If mornings are a problem, snack on food like dry toast or dry biscuits before getting out of bed. Eat and drink slowly. You may find that you tolerate cold foods better than hot food. Some women find ginger (tea, biscuits or tablets) to be useful. Check for ketones if your blood glucose level is 12–15mmol/L or higher for two hours or more or if you are unwell. Always take your insulin, but you may need to change the dose. Ask your dietitian for some other ideas on managing morning sickness. Featured resource Living well with type 1 diabetes – what to do when you are sick